Drowning of Thirst

On December 14, 2010, a man named Jorge Jarolin stabbed me in the chest. He reached into the gaping hole and took ahold of my slowed, cooled, barely beating heart. I had open-heart surgery. In South America. My aortic valve took a dump and needed to be replaced. I got a brand new, shiny pink... Continue Reading →

Got-Your-Back Tracker

I was having a terrible time keeping myself on the straight-and-narrow. I had worked my way all the way up to the green Newbie Number Tag. I was close to being considered a real Christian but I was sinning all the time. I needed help. I tried changing my habits. I tried changing my heart.... Continue Reading →

Photo Friday

IT. IS. Photo Fridaaaaaaaaaaaaay! That's right, boys and girls. For more than 40 Fridays I have been loading up the virtual van and toting you guys around Paraguay via my cellphone camera, and today is no different. Single-file line please. Grab a bag lunch off the make-believe table as you pass it and ALL ABOARD!!!! Don't forget... Continue Reading →


We met Domingo the first time we crawled through the hole in the barbed wire fence. We wanted to meet some of the people we saw shuffling down that dusty foot path behind our house day after day. We had only lived in Paraguay for a few months, so we grabbed a local friend who... Continue Reading →

Newbie Number Tags

Thank you so much, Jesus Junk International. We were having trouble separating the "sheep from the goats," so-to-speak. We installed the turnstiles in the parking lots to get a more accurate count of attendance, but the newbies were sneaking through. We really needed a way to avoid another Twitter-gate. Ya' know, social media halts for... Continue Reading →

Photo Friday

IT. IS. Photo Fridaaaaaaaaaaaaay! That's right, boys and girls. For more than 40 Fridays I have been loading up the virtual van and toting you guys around Paraguay via my cellphone camera, and today is no different. Single-file line please. Grab a bag lunch off the make-believe table as you pass it and ALL ABOARD!!!! Don't forget... Continue Reading →

Newbie Number Tags

Thank you so much, Jesus Junk International. We were having trouble separating the "sheep from the goats," so-to-speak. We installed the turnstiles in the parking lots to get a more accurate count of attendance, but the newbies were sneaking through.We really needed a way to avoid another Twitter-gate. Ya' know, social media halts for no... Continue Reading →

Here We Go Again

  So, uh, it's been, uh, a while since we met like this. I mean as reader and blogger. Ya' know, I never meant to be gone this long. I wanted to take a break from the writing. I wanted to re-wrinkle my gray matter; smart brains are more wrinkly and mine was getting a... Continue Reading →

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