Photo Friday

Here we go again with the weekly pictorial journal that is Photo Friday. Some of these I take on my phone and others we are in a less mobile setting, so I try to get them with the camera.

It really is something here during the growing season. The climate mixes with the fertile soil and makes these kinds of color explosions. This is just overgrowth along a fence line most of the year but in springtime it transforms int0 this.







Let’s say you don’t like pedaling but you’re not ready for the lunacy of standard Paraguayan traffic, what do you do? How about hang a tiny gas engine on your mountain bike. If you’re a motorhead then follow that spark plug wire out. Yeah, it has electronic ignition! Do I really have to tell you that I want this thing?




I was bopping through town when this sign jumped out at me. This would be the first time I’ve seen artificial insemination advertised like this. Luckily, when I backed out from under the awning I saw this was posted on a veterinarian’s office.




I’m still not used to seeing Parrots everywhere. These little green and yellow fellows are as common as Robins are in the US. This one is trying to eat the Guavas out of the tree in front of my house. It’s kinda surreal. I can hear them chattering outside right now.




Bus–some assembly required. It’s a new trend in tourism called the open air experience. The cool thing is that this giant piece of junk was being towed by another giant piece of junk, but that one had  a body on it.






There you go. What do you think? Have a great weekend and I’ll see you on Monday.



10 thoughts on “Photo Friday

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  1. I love the colors of the flowers! Motorized bikes are pretty popular in AZ, too. They don’t use as much gas as cars do but don’t require as much effort as bicycles, which is REALLY important when summer comes. Of course, here, people pay good money for these motorized bikes whereas I am pretty sure the one in your picture was handcrafted. Actually, a friend of ours gave their son a motorized scooter–you know those two-wheeled skateboard with a handle contraptions? Yup, they come motorized now. I am not sure that is a good thing, however.


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