Photo Friday

Photo Friday is back again. Although it is a little later than usual it is still the same great post you have come to expect. Sit back, relax and tilt that screen so you can see well. You don’t want to miss anything this week.

This is a poster-sized advertisement for a grocery store credit card. As you can see the Prez has managed to secure his personal card. I think I may have stumbled onto the up coming financial philosophy. The President plans to subsidize the American economy with store-backed credit cards from all of the grocery stores in Paraguay.








This sign is telling all people capable of folding their thumb backwards to please be quiet. I found this sign at the hospital where you would be most likely to find someone whose thumb could be folded backward. The problem is if they can do that then the thumb is probably broken and they will have tough time shushing themselves.




Every Thursday night our kids have a small group meeting. you know what that means, right? DATE NIGHT! This is the meal we recently bought at a fantastic Italian restaurant in town. Fresh bread baked in-house; mixed green salad with tomato, onion, olives, pickles and heart of palm; Chicken and cheese filled capilleti in a creamy rose sauce baked to a golden brown. Super delicious and at $10 including the 1.5 liter Sprite we’ll be going back.






Nothing is more fun than a playground, except maybe a construction zone. There is always open pits to fall jump into and die hide. Everyone knows how fun it is to impale yourself swing on rebar. Then a good old fashioned chipped concrete fight to round off the afternoon. WOO HOO, that’s some fun.



Finally, this is a banner advertising for a block party. Notice that they are calling it Booty Call. Awesome, right? Or not. If you’ll look at the top line on the right side it says “Fiesta el estilo Yankee.” Yeah that means you. All of us Americans are Yankees down here. So this Booty Call block party is patterned after the good ole U.S.A. To top it off where it hangs is throwing shade over a full playground of elementary school kids (see).

Have an awesome weekend. Thanks for the support and don’t forget I’m taking questions for a series of Q&A posts.

Any questions about these? What’s your favorite?

8 thoughts on “Photo Friday

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  1. Oh sure. That’s how *all* of us throw parties up here now. You’ve been gone too long, bro! Booty Call is THE party theme this season, right after “Sarah Palin’s Alaska” and “Gangnam Style.”

    I was really scratching my head over the thumb in that “shush yerself” pic, so I was pleased to get to the commentary and see I’m not the only one giving that ‘un a wonder.

    In conclusion: YAY DATE NIGHT!


  2. I cried, I laughed, I rejoiced, I laughed harder and I cried harder. All in one blog. You have outdone yourself!

    BTW, my oldest daughter is now trying to arrange her thumb to look like the hospital sign. She is half successful at this point. I am encouraging her not to try TOO hard. If I can, I will send you a picture of it. BTW, Could your wife, at one point have imitated it?

    Do the Paraguyans know what “Booty Call” means?


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