1451 Days Later

That’s a weird title I know. However, that happens to be the number of days that have elapsed while we waited on the title of our truck to transfer to our name. To save you the trouble of digging out that Texas Instruments calculator with the red LED display, that’s Nine days less than FOUR (4) years.

Four years for a title transfer. You may be thinking, “Is that common in Paraguay?” No. It is not. But, rather than clog up my absolute elation with the ridiculous story that is behind that I will point you to a post I wrote a year ago.

I swear/affirm/promise or guarantee (whichever you like) that every word of that post is true. Sure, it may read like a bad creative writing experiment in an eighth-grade juvenile detention center, but it is true. It really happened just like that.


Since that post last year the truck sat parked with a blown engine for nine (9) more months. That made a total of 1 1/2 years it was out of commission. Through the help of a missionary friend we found a trustworthy mechanic and had him swap motors for us. We also had countless repairs to make because it sat unused for so long. I picked it up six weeks ago and we have been driving it ever since. It drives like new.

Thank you God for the blessing of reliable transportation that fits our needs.

Now for the good stuff. While we were in Asuncion to take care of Christie’s hand we stopped by the lady’s office handling the transfer to see what progress had been made. She called us into her office, opened a desk drawer and pulled out this:

That’s right!!! That is the little green card that tells the world the transfer is complete and I am, in fact, the owner of the dark blue Mission Mobile. I honestly didn’t believe it at first. We never would have been able to get this taken care of without the behind-the-scenes help from this lady.

If you’re down I will doing some type of happy dance for the foreseeable future. You can join with a cyber version if you like.

What seemingly impossible thing has God done for you lately? Encourage all of us in the comments…

11 thoughts on “1451 Days Later

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  1. 🙂 Increible. Glad you are driving and holding the title! Good stuff.
    We’ve been meeting some musicians in the area we just moved to (for the church plant), and that has been very encouraging as we’ve been praying to make some connections with local musicians. Thanks for the post and awesome theme for the day.


    1. I would love to be in on a jam session if that’s in your future. I don’t know if I could ever make but I want to. BTW-Bass, Latin Percussion (Congas, shakers etc.) and Poor Guitar skills


  2. Congratulations, Ken! Maybe we should co-ordinate times so that we can all do a happy dance.

    We have a couple miracles: My brother and his wife, after years of trying and an unsuccessful IVF will be welcoming a little one in March. We get to see them for Thanksgiving.

    Our church has benefitted so much from the generosity of people. We have a new building thanks to one person and comfy chairs and a place to hang out before and after church. This weekend, we are celebrating our grand opening by having a vendor provide Sonoran Hot Dogs, which are hot dogs wrapped in bacon, covered in all kinds of goodness, including peppers. Family is coming this week, giving us an opportunity to rest from school.

    God is good.


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