Mimed If You Do, Mimed If You Don’t.

Today’s post is shorter than my usual. You’re welcome. I know, I know, I can get a little wordy. The Golf has some more issues and I have been working and walking, trying to come to the end of it. She’s still out of the loop, currently. I hope to have her limping tomorrow until we can come to a more permanent solution. If you’re the praying sort, do me a favor–anoint some floor mats with oil and send ’em this way. Thanks.

So we moved to a new town. August 2nd made a month in the new house. We have been brainstorming on how to engage in ministry in this new environment, a difficult prospect giving my perceived lack of vital equipment. Last week my older daughter and I were out running errands during a rain shower when this exchange happened.

Me: Oh, look. I think that’s where your mom wants us to visit.

Camille: Why?

Me: It’s a medical clinic for special needs and special case kids. She thought y’all could do some mimes or something for the kids waiting for their appointments. You know, entertain them a little. What do you think?

Camille: I guess we could, but I think doing mimes for a bunch of blind kids is a waste of time.

Me: What?

It was then I realized I hadn’t paid attention to the sign. This particular clinic was for the blind and vision impaired. It did make me think, though.

How many times have I focused on the program or the presentation instead of the audience? How many times have I put on a flawless show and entertained folks but never communicated with them? How many times have I engaged people with comparisons and concepts that they just don’t understand?

When the show is over and everyone gets their church card punched, have they been pointed to Christ?

Have I been performing mimes for people who can’t see? Sure they hear the song and dance, but are my actions in vain?

Do you know who your audience is? Do you share Christ in ways they understand?

10 thoughts on “Mimed If You Do, Mimed If You Don’t.

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  1. Great thoughts, Ken. I recently read again this portion of Scripture, “When
    I first came to you, dear brothers and sisters, I didn’t use lofty
    words and impressive wisdom to tell you God’s secret plan. For I decided that while I was with you I would forget everything except Jesus Christ, the one who was crucified. I came to you in weakness—timid and trembling. And
    my message and my preaching were very plain. Rather than using clever
    and persuasive speeches, I relied only on the power of the Holy Spirit. I did this so you would trust not in human wisdom but in the power of God.” 1 Cor 2: 1-5. That’s what I need to remain focused on as well.


    1. Great scripture Eileen. Thanks for sharing it. It really illustrates part of the point here. I think of Paul’s revelation that he “became all things to all people” trying to communicate to them.


  2. The challenge in trying to communicate to LDS folks is that they have gone and changed the definition for key Christian words. So they will say that Jesus Christ saves them, but what they mean is that Jesus Christ’s death on the cross gets you into the highest level of hell, but gives you access to heaven, which can be achieved by living righteous lives. Jesus is also defined a little bit differently–a pure man (don’t get God involved in it unless it involves procreation) who was purely righteous and the brother of Lucifer. So to people who don’t know this, they talk like Christians and believe that LDS ARE Christians. And for Christians who know better, we have to work hard to find acceptable substitutions for common Christianspeak.

    Thanks for making me laugh with your example. I will be praying for your car. Have you ever thought that maybe God’s mission plan for you is to witness to car mechanics? 🙂


  3. Wow… that’s a poignant take on the topic! I definitely have been convicted before of the same performance that what might feel in performing a mime show for the blind. Thanks for arming me with a new analogy for my arsenal!


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