Potty Plaque-Caption this…

We have been traveling a bit lately(more on this later) and when we do that we see stuff. I know, right. I saw this sign and I knew I needed to share with you guys to get a full understanding of what it means. It was on the door of a unisex bathroom.

Below the “Woman” it says-Do not climb on top of the toilet(essentially) -Throw absorbents in the trash can. -Throw toilet paper in trashcan. -After use, flush. Then the big letters say: Keep the bathroom clean.

I had no idea that women climbing on top of public toilets was such a widespread problem that there needed to be a sign in South America prohibiting it. If this were on the man sign, sure.To me there are several odd things about the woman sign but I will leave those for the comments.

Below the “Man” sign-Do not urinate n the floor. Then the rest is repeats. I humbly ask “How is our little well-evolved stick man NOT going to pee ion the floor?” if he is peeing with his hands in his pockets while standing too far away from the toilet. Check the lean. At least the lid is up.



14 thoughts on “Potty Plaque-Caption this…

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  1. I must say as a youngster I do remember climbing on the toilet to talk to someone in the stall next to me. hahaha My first reaction to the men’s poster was why does he have his hands in his pockets!!!


  2. To me, plaque is something the dentist scrapes from your teeth, so “potty plaque” conjures up all sorts of disgusting things involving toilets and teeth. I’m too grossed out to think of something clever ;-).


  3. In many developing countries they don’t have toilet seats, some times they just have a place to stand over the toilet in the ground, so you squat on the toilet to pee. Sometimes the toilet is of the ground but the culture still doesn’t sit to use the toilet so if there is a nice flat surface (i.e. toilet seat) they stand on it because it is to hard to squat over something that is higher of the ground. I’ve seen this a lot in eastern Europe and Egypt. *The tend to have regular toilets at tourist attractions because the people that have money to visit these attractions tend to be from developed countries.


    1. I have experienced all of these scenarios throughout South America. Many in the 5 yrs we have been living in Paraguay. This particular sign was in a very urban locale but not a tourists locale. What you describe as a “stand over” is what we see more of in the rural area we live in.


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